Our Vision

To build a family of believers where sinners are restored, members are empowered to worship God, share Christ’s hope and love, and minister to each other’ s needs as well as our neighbor’s spiritual and social needs

Our Mission

To be anointed to preach the gospel to the lost, bind up the broken-hearted, proclaim liberty to the captives, and liberate prisoners

Our Beliefs

The New Primitive Church of Jesus Christ recognizes the Bible as its sole creed and regards certain fundamental beliefs as teachings of the Holy Scriptures.

God is the creator and ruler of the universe. He has eternally existed in three persons – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. These three are co-equal and are one God. (Genesis 1:1, 26, 27; 3:22; Psalm 90:2; Matthew 28:19; 1 Peter 1:2; 2 Corinthians 13:14)

Man is made in the spiritual image of God, to be like him in character. He is the supreme object of God’s creation. Although man has tremendous potential for good, he is marred by an attitude of disobedience toward God called “sin.” This attitude separates man from God. (Genesis 1:27; Psalm 8:3-6; Isaiah 53:6a; Romans 3:23; Isaiah 59:1, 2)

Man was created to exist forever. He will either exist eternally separated from God by sin or in union with God through forgiveness and salvation. To be eternally separated from God is everlasting chastisement. To be eternally in union with him is eternal life. Heaven and hell are places of eternal existence. (John 3:16; 1 John 2:25; 1 John 5:11-13; Romans 6:23; Revelation 20:15; Matthew 25:31-46; II Thessalonians 1:9, Revelations 14:10-11; II Kings 23:10; II Chronicles 28:3)

Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He is co-equal with the Father. Jesus lived a sinless human life and offered himself as the perfect sacrifice for the sins of all men by dying on a cross. He arose from the dead after three days to demonstrate His power over sin and death. He ascended to heaven’s glory and will return again to earth to reign as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. (Matthew 1:22, 23; Isaiah 9:6; John 1:1-5, 14:10-30; Hebrews 4:14, 15; 1 Corinthians 15:3, 4; Romans 1:3, 4; Acts 1:9-11; 1 Timothy 6:14, 15; Titus 2:13; Acts 10:40; Mark 8:31)

Salvation is a gift from God to man. Man can never make up for his sin by self-improvement or good works – only by trusting in Jesus Christ as God’s offer of forgiveness can man be saved from sin’s penalty.

Eternal life begins the moment one receives Jesus Christ into his life by faith. (Romans 6:23; Ephesians 2:8, 9; John 14:6, 1:12; Titus 3:5; Galatians 3:26; Romans 5:1)

Because God gives man eternal life through Jesus Christ, the believer is secure in salvation for eternity. Salvation is maintained by the grace and power of God, not by the self-effort of the Christian.  Salvation is obtained through accepting Jesus as your personal Savior and is only guaranteed if the Christian perseveres until the end of his life.  We believe that Christians should not remain in sins as the Bible clearly states that without sanctification, no one will see God.  (John 10:29; 2 Timothy 1:12; Hebrews 7:25; 10:10, 14; 1 Peter 1:3-5; Hebrews 12:14; John 10:28; Proverbs 24:16; Psalms 37:24; Ezekiel 18:24)

The Holy Spirit is equal with the Father and the Son as God. He is present in the world to make men aware of their need for Jesus Christ. He also lives in every Christian from the moment of salvation.

He provides the Christian with power for living, understanding of spiritual truth, and guidance in doing what is right. The Christian seeks to live under his control daily. (2 Corinthians 3:17; John 16:7-13, 14:16, 17; Acts 1:8; 1 Corinthians 2:12, 3:16; Ephesians 1:13; Galatians 5:25; Ephesians 5:1)

Baptism by immersion symbolizes the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus and is your public declaration that you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. We don’t believe in re-baptism as the Bible states that there is one Baptism, one Faith and one Lord.  Baptism does not save you but shows the world that you have already been saved. Ephesians 4:5

And while baptism is not required for salvation, it is a biblical command and demonstrates your love and obedience to Christ. Colossians 2:12; Acts 2:41; Ephesians 2: 8-9; Matthew 28:19-20

We believe in water baptism, as taught and demonstrated by Jesus, as the way for believers to identify with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. Matthew 28:19; Romans 6:4; Matthew 3:13-17

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is a gift from God. He helps empower the believer to develop the character of Christ and live every day in God’s will. (Matthew 3:11; Acts 2:4)

We believe that homosexuality is a sin.  We at the New Primitive Church of Jesus Christ will not marry two men or two women or anyone who has changed their god given sex.  We will not condone polygamy as we believe that God created one man and one woman.  Incest and any other intimate relationships prohibited by the Bible will not be permitted at the New Primitive Church of Jesus Christ. (Gen 1:27; Matthew 19:4; I Peter 3:7)

Communion, or the Lord’s Supper, is an ordinance given to all believers by Jesus Christ to remember his sacrifice for us and to symbolize the new covenant.

The elements of bread and wine or juice are symbols of Christ’s broken body and shed blood. Communion is not a means of salvation. Rather, it is a testament of a believer’s faith in the atoning work of the cross. (Matthew 26:26-30; Mark 14:22-26; Luke 22:19,20; 1 Corinthians 11:23-29)

We believe that God created all human beings in His image. Therefore, we believe that human life is sacred from conception to its natural end; that we must honor the physical and spiritual needs of all people; following Christ’s example, we believe that every person should be treated with love, dignity and respect. We believe that no life should be altered or destroyed from embryonic state to adulthood. (Psalm 139:13; Isaiah 49:1; Jeremiah 1:5; Matthew 22:37-39; Romans 12:20-21; Galatians 6:10)